Sunday, March 13, 2016

Factory of Rajshahi

    Factory of silk
RAJSHAHI, 8 Nov- Government will extend necessary supports towards flourishing industries in Rajshahi and its outskirts for bolstering its economic condition, said Industries Secretary Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan here yesterday.
He added that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is very much positive to expand industries across the country. The process of providing bank loan to the entrepreneurs in simple interest rate is now on functional. The Industries Secretary made this observation while addressing a view-sharing meeting with local entrepreneurs and businessmen held at the conference hall of Deputy Commissioner as chief guest. With Fazley Rabbi, Additional Deputy Commissioner (General), in the chair, President of Bangladesh Silk Industry Owners Association Liakat Ali, President of Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) Muniruzzaman and its directors Rejaur Rahman and Md Sharif, Silk Industrialist Sadar Ali and Women Entrepreneur Munira Munir Zonaki also spoke.
Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan assured the local chamber leaders and businessmen that immediate steps will be taken to solve the existing problems in this field.
Liakat Ali favored for infrastructure development, creation of investment-friendly atmosphere and availability of updated business information could help flourish different industries in the region.
Highlighting the enormous potential of the silk along with establishing agro-processing industry, he said the business promotion organisations could extend financial and technical support to this sector for proper utilisation of the agro- products. Referring to the agriculture sector, he observed that surplus production of vegetables and other seasonal fruits could be utilised properly through setting up agro- based export-processing zone in the region. With vast fertile lands, excellent communication network and skilled manpower, the silk industrialist pointed out that the region has a bright future of exporting fresh vegetables and processed fruits through setting up agro-based industries.
In his remarks, RCCI President Munir said local infrastructure, legal framework, unskilled labourers and lack of investment from both local and abroad are the main obstacles towards foreign investment.
Whereas, prospects of agro-processing enterprises in the region is bright as it produces surplus crops especially food-grains, fruits and vegetables. Munir focused on the potentials in agricultural and ICT sectors with special emphasis on value added agro-processing opportunities and agro-based industries. -BSS

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