Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Rajshahi Traffic Jam

Rajshahi city also sees traffic jam now

Jam of Rajshahi
Rajshahi district has also started witnessing traffic jam in this Eid season which is a rare scenario for the region but a very usual one for the capital. Although law enforcers have imposed special traffic rules, the traffic pressure is on due to a huge number of unlicensed battery-run auto-rickshaws which are entering the city carrying Eid shoppers from different towns and are plying city roads defying traffic rules, said Rajshahi City Corporation sources.
For taking passengers, these auto-rickshaws stand anywhere on roads or at intersections or even on Rajshahi-Dhaka highway. Moreover, trucks and banned human haulers are also plying city roads all day.
Accidents are occurring almost every day due to reckless driving. Makeshift shops and hawkers especially in Ganakpara, Shaheb Bazar and New Market areas have narrowed down the roads intensifying the traffic jam.
RCC acting mayor Nizam-ul Azim said the authorities are not conducting drives against the vehicles as many poor people get involved in this travel business during Eid for some extra money.
Police said they are facing many cases where passengers, locals and drivers together obstruct them to take any action.

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