Monday, March 14, 2016

Rajshahi Govt. P.N Girls' High Schoo

 History of Govt. P.N Girls' High Schoo
The Main Gate of School

Govt. P.N. Girls’ High School is situated in the heart of Rajshahi city Bearing the remembrance of the famous saint Shah Makhdum Rupose(R:). It is one of the oldest and most famous education institutions of the city. About 150 years ago the school was established with help of some education lovers of Rampur-Boalia. It is known from culcutta review that the school was established many years before 1868. The reference that of having a Girls’ School along with the mission donated school is found in the book of account of Mr. Hunter . Kazi Mohammad Michher said, ‘‘Todays P.N. School seems to be the primary stage of that very government donated school.”

In 1868, Raja Pramathnath Ray(1849-1883) of Dighapatia, adopted son of Prasannanath Ray(1826-1861), donate six thousand rupees to Rajshahi Girls’ High School. Besides, he donated an annual government ‘promissory note’ amounting to Rs. 180.00 only in order to meet the expenditure of the school. He arranged three scholarships for the development of this school. He had four sons and one daughter. They were Pramadanath, Basanta Kumar, Sarat Kumar, Hemandra Kumar and Indraprova by name respectively. Pramadanath Ray(1849-1883) the eldest son of pramathnath donated Rs. 6000.00 to P.N. School, Rajshahi for the construction of a building.

The Royal families of Dighapatia donated huge funds for the permanent establishment of the school. For this reason the school is named after the name of Raja Pramathnath Ray (1849-1883). In short it was called Raja P.N. Ray Girls’ High school. However, it can be stated here that Brajendra Lal Shaha, son of Harilal Shaha, Asha Lata Devi, c/o Sree Kalidash, Sree Ganesh Roy Shing & Sree Ganga Moni dashya, issues of Late Haricharan Roy, Sree Baidanath Chowdhury, son of Kamalakanto Chowdhury, are the people who sold lands to the school.

In 1928 Rajshahi P.N. Girls’ school turned into High School. Then the responsibilities of officiating the school went to the Raja of Dighapatia so that the school could be developed. Bassanta Kumar gave a company paper valued Rs. 10,200.00 to the P.N. High School at a time. A building was built with expenses of this money. Later Hemendra Kumar the younger brother of Pramadanath built an office building with the expenses of Rs. 10,000.00.

Before the partition of the Indian sub-continent, this school was governed and maintained by the Royal family of Digapatia. After partition a new community was formed on 30 March,1947. The district Magistrate of Rajshahi was the chairman of the community as designation was assigned. In 1960, Raja P.N. Ray Girls’ High School was nationalized and it was name Govt. P.N. Girls’ High School, Rajshahi. With the increase of the number of the students the Bengal Government built a new two-storied building at the cost of 7090 Taka.

In 1991 the school turned into a double shift school and each class contained four sections. The E.E.D. built one two-storied building and a hostel. The hostel can accommodate 32 students. Now the school is running very smoothly.

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